Pre-Trial Polygraph Examinations

  • Stan Fulmer has conducted examinations for the Federal Public Defenders Office in conjunction with the District Attorneys Office


In negotiations with police, solicitors, prosecutors, and law enforcement agencies it is imperative that they too have trust in Stan Fulmer's professional qualifications, experience, and knowledge of our Judicial System. Stan Fulmer has conducted examinations for the Federal Public Defenders Office in conjunction with the District Attorneys Office for many years. He is experienced with the judicial system, court protocol as well as knowledgeable in filing fee applications and award of payment applications for IDS polygraph examinations. Mr. Fulmer is one of the few examiners who has conducted polygraph examinations on Death Row itself with the results sent directly to the Governor.


Hire the dependable professionals at L.S. Fulmer Inc. for clear, credible polygraph results. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call 1-800-799-6016 now!